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Review: Bebe Sachi, Indah

This was the wrap that popped my Cherry! The first real woven I ever tried on.

It was heavy & dense, not a wrap for the feint hearted! The sheer weight and thickness of the material alone was almost intimidating.

I felt this especially when thread tightening, or at least trying to.

Definitely not a wrap for begginers & I'd suggest not for newborns either.

It's a thick, robust wrap with a lot of grip. Fantastic for squirmy toddlers or pre-schoolers, I'd imagine!

The texture itself is quite rough and grippy, but not so much that it'd be uncomfortable on the shoulders.

This is a hearty wrap that's not to be taken lightly. I'd love to try it again now that I'm more proficcient in wrapping, but perhaps with a larger child, I believe my little 4 month old would be engulfed in it entirely!

Idah means 'lovely' in Malay & it really is a lovely thick wrap. I can imagine it being useful whilst hiking the Himalayas, or simply school drop offs in Winter/Autumn.

And as a side note: it made wrapping with a little frog stupendously easy afterwards!

Please note: the image is not my own. Credit: Bebe Sachi

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