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Sling Studio - Titan Bubo, Schappe.

This. Is. My. Ultimate.

I've always been a little bit of a bling gal, so when sneak peaks of a golden Sling Studio wrap whet my appetite, my breath was baited!

The mention of a new breed of silk hit me right in the curiosity & it was decided, I was entering that draw!

A video that tester, model and friend Phuong posted of her draping Bubo into a puddle of material acted as pure wrap porn and only cemented the idea further.

To my surprise I won an invoice and awaited this highly anticipated beauty. Small portions of reviews helped satiate me until the wrap arrived on my door step.

Well it landed in the post office. To my dismay I was carded by a sneaky postman whilst I was "boobing" my baby. Regardless, shipping from the UK was stellar and rather quick!

I opened my nifty personalised package with care and was taken aback by what was contained within.

Now I don't often gush about wraps, but SS is sheer textile artistry! The gold was more muted that I had imagined but the wrap was floppy, soft and smushy straight out of the box. Understatement of the century! It was the softest damn wrap I have ever felt!

Kitten belly wasn't even the word to describe it, it was beyond! I used baby butt soft to describe it in my video, but it is honestly inexplicable! It has to be felt to be believed.

It feels rather light in hand, yet still pertains to blankety qualities.

The blend of Titan Bubo is 50% Schappe silk, 50% Cotton & I'm 100% head over heels in love!

Ordinarily sil blend wraps encompass lots of texture in the form of nubs and slubs,

this however is smooth like Barry White's voice.

The first time wrapping with this I quickly popped 'A' into a FWCC TUB (Front wrap cross carry, tied under bum). Which if you've been following along so far, you'll know is one of my shorty go to's. This wrap wraps itself! It moulded to bub's body & my shoulders effortlessly, it felt weightless.

No unwanted folds or scrunched material & the shoulders self pleated, even in a sloppy job.

In a Double hammock with a chest pass it glided and swirled around me, almost majestically. It's like wrapping with golden quicksand, like liquid gold.

Aesthetically one of my favourite designs is the falling feathers, but this design feels slightly airier than lazy linen & has the perfect amount of stretch.

Due to the texture and wrap qualities this is extremely squish friendly and suitable for infants. It does feel strong enough for toddlers too but the recommended limit it 35 pounds (15kg). I would not be surprised if this even self-wrapped on novice baby wearers, but is also suitable for the very experienced.

I haven't tried a slip knot in it, but in standard double knots it doesn't slide or budge.

Even after wearing 'A' for a couple of hours I didn't find any sag.

This blend honestly hits the nail on the head and the colour-way is striking enough to feel luxurious and glam but not too overbearing so it compliments many outfits. It will be interesting to see if SS have this blend up their sleeves in more colour-ways. I may have to start hoarding PP. Haha! And if you'd like to see me unveiling it and gushing even more... Check out my fluff mail video


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