Review: Kokoro - Kairos, Botan
Jag känner en bot. Hon heter Anna. Anna heter hon. Haha, no I don't speak Swedish but as soon as this pretty pink Kairos (3) landed I had...

Review: PinkNova - Crunchy Banana aka Spicy Leaves
This wrap is paradoxical, it's a woven oxymoron if I ever did come across one. I'll start by telling you how it came about. My lovely...

Review: Magic Mako by Ankalia
At first when I saw Mako, I understood the appeal. It's a modern geometric design in a pretty colour way, purples and blues. What I...

Mini Review: Yaro Baskets, Emerald
Recently my sister in law welcomed her beautiful baby boy into the world. We were lucky enough to meet him whilst visiting overseas. In...

Review: Ankalia, Icarus -Nevaeh
Ah Nevs, where does one begin? After being a part of the Ankalia chatter group, hosting a few wraps & owning a Slate I decided I wanted...

Review: Soul Slings, 100% Linen Single Layer Ring Sling, Eggnog.
Sorry, I've popped off the radar a little as of late. I'm currently visiting the fam bam in the Middle East, with a teething 6 month old!...

Review: Artipoppe, Petrol Tyger
A lovely mama sent her Petrol Tyger travelling my way. Artipoppe is the equivalent to the Louboutin of wraps, extravagant, exclusive in...

The Pram-Free Challenge: Trials, tribulations & triumphs.
It was the first time venturing to a shopping centre minus pram to meet a friend. I had my baby wrap(size 5) in tow & my trusty nappy...

The Pram-Free Challenge: How it started.
Before the birth of our child, my husband and I were adamant that we'd use a pram daily. We spared no expense in getting a top of the...

Review: My love affair with Velvet (Ankalia)
Ah Velvet, where do I begin? There are two ways in which you can temporarily obtain wraps to try. Travellers and Testers. Testers are...